1:1 Soul Mentoring
You are a Soul in a Body
Inner work works
End of Story
To navigate our increasingly complex world, we need self-knowledge and a deep connection to our inner being – our soul.
You will find absolute clarity that leads to decisions and actions in integrity and the neutrality of unconditional love. From here, every issue in your life can be solved, transformed or recreated on a whole new level.
What we can
talk about

- 1. vitality & life force
- 2. leadership
- 3. power
- 4. leading as parents
- 5. profession & calling
- 6. relationship & partnership
- 7. peace of mind
- 8. souvereignty
- 9. clarity
- 10. soul integrity
- 11. energy & vibrational awareness
- 12. balancing masculine & feminine energies
- 13. sense & benefit of adversity
- 14. deliberate creation
- 15. conscious evolution
- 16. joy as a compass
- 17. new perspectives & stories
- 18. the art of allowing life
Clarity & Love
led by Soul
What is certain in our world is change. It is comes along in challenging ways . And it also holds great riches for us. Withdrawal and just getting by are no longer the order of the day. Rather, it is essential to invest in your inner leadership, inner being and your inner wealth. Being anchored in yourself increases your impact and effectiveness in your outer world exponentially.
This path is highly individual and unique for every human being. My work creates space for this uniqueness to unfold.
As your Mentor, I guide you safely into your conscious soul connection and your New Story. I see the aspects in your mental and energy field that still bind you to your old stories. And I will show you the paths and possibilities through which you can live your new story with ease and within no time. And we will activate these paths and possibilities together.
The 1:1 exchange with me is a deeply transformative and uplifting experience and offers you a lifelong return on your investment! You can work with me offline/online/by phone + chat app in German, English and Russian.
Soul Journey
Telling your New Story
The Soul Journey is my exclusive and energetically luxurious 1:1 space for individuals who are now determined to cross a significant threshold in their personal and/or professional life and to write their new story.
High Touch. High Personalization. Led by Soul.
I will be right by your side throughout the duration of your Soul Journey. Tailored to your personal time rhythms, we are in continual and flexible exchange via Zoom, telephone, email and Telegram channel and use your everyday life as raw material for everything you want to bring into your life now.
I only work with a limited number of 1:1 Soul Journey clients throughout the year. In order to apply for a Soul Journey Mentoring, please book a free consulation call with me.
In this call, we will get to know each other and clarify whether we are a good fit, what the Soul Journey is about for you and which format best supports your needs and intentions.
Your investment will be based on these factors and will be agreed upon with you individually.
Soul Session
Relax & see clearly now
With every question we ask, its vibrational answer is being created simultaneously.
I read these answers from your energy field and translate them into words for you. In this process, I activate the same ability and the corresponding knowledge in you. They already exist in you.
A Soul Session is very productive, when you desire an answer to a specific question or clarity/solutions/new impulses/new perspectives regarding a specific topic.
You can book a Soul Session at any time without prior consultation.
Every person, and therefore every question you ask, is unique. Just as unique are the answers that your questions create and that we will decode together.
60 minutes by phone – 120,00 €/90 minutes – 180,00 €
60 minutes via Zoom – 220,00 €/90 minutes – 330,00 €
All fees are exclusive of applicable VAT.
As a result

- 1. you will find absolute clarity inside and out
- 2. you make your soul the CEO of your life
- 3. learn to guide your thoughts and apply them for what you really want
- 4. discover your emotions as an indicator of the state of your soul connection in every moment
- 5. experience deep grounding, embodiment and authentic expression
- 6. your self-worth, energy level and immune system will benefit
- 7. tensions and other physical ailments disappear
- 8. your creativity, love of life and attraction will grow
- 9. your heart expands and all your relationships become more intimate, benevolent and effortless
- 10. your life, your body, your business and your relationships begin to regenerate themselves
Questions & Answers
A session with me provides the space for a deep inner conversation – an inquiry, a meditative pause, feeling, asking and listening – that you basically have with yourself. It has very little to do with thinking. And anyone who honestly wants it, can do it. A session brings you in touch with levels of yourself that usually remain unnoticed or suppressed in our fast and noisy everyday life. And being in touch with ourselves on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – is the basis for every good relationship, whether with people, money, situations or your body.
This inner work leads to deeper self-knowledge, self-acceptance and self-love and enables us humans to develop true listening and understanding, real partnership, mastery of high complexity, as well as vision, innovation, wisdom and peace – within and outside.
Since our thoughts and established thought patterns distract us very easily and usually extremely successfully from a focus within, it is only wise to allow yourself support on this path.
Love – regardless of its popular romantic definition – is the feminine expression of a universal force that connects us all and of which we are an integral part. Presence is the masculine expression of this power. In presence, love can expand and be felt. Everyone – men and women – has the capacity to connect with both aspects. A good balance between male and female power in us leads to balance in all areas of life and relationships.
The heart is an organ and an energy field in our human chest. Its powerful vibrations are measurable and connect us all and like the world-wide-web. It sends and receives like a radio station. The collective energy field that we form together in this way is part of an even larger energy field. It has many names. Some call it the source or quantum field. Others call it God, Great Spirit or Universe. For others, it’s just life or love itself.
Vision is the ability to see that arises when love expands in presence. To see through the eyes of love allows us to look far and into the future without our view being clouded by the past. This is where true creativity, innovation and co-creation begin. Sometimes it happens by accident. It always happens when we quiet our mind through focus – for example when making love, in creative activities, while romping around with children, or in the fascination of a glorious sun-set.
Through inner work and daily meditation, we no longer leave the mind to itself, and our emotional and mental dramas end. Moreover, we gain access to an ever larger spectrum of our intelligence that integrates the mind, the heart and the body.
We humans, on the smallest level, are – just like everything that surrounds us – energy, consisting of billions of tiny little atoms. Each of our thoughts, words and emotions are also energy that we send out and receive. It is important to realize that we can only feel complete and in full power when our energy balance is complete. Anyone who constantly revolves around other people or situations with their thoughts, words and emotions is left without a large proportion of their energy. This is especially true for negative thoughts, words, and emotions. They literally tie up us and our energy where they are no longer available to us. This drains and weakens the body and the immune system.
Inner work ensures that we do not lose ourselves anymore emotionally or mentally, that we can set clear boundaries, that we take care of our needs and desires and that our energy balance is at its best. It enables us steadily to keep our energy with ourselves and to respond to a situation or a person from this inner center, instead of reacting out of our patterns and entanglements. When I can hold my energies together and no longer let rules, morals, judgments, opinions or demands of others tempt me to give them up, I land right in my inner center. And that is exactly the end of drama, conflict, overwhelm, competition, resentment, jealousy, fear, shame and guilt.
Our thoughts are based on beliefs that we have formed over the course of our lives from our experiences and our ancestral and collective emotional genetic code. Thoughts that we think regularly, are called thought patterns or beliefs. And this is where our typical reaction and action patterns emerge from. Did you know, that we are only aware of 5% of the 70,000 thoughts that we think every day? So in order to change something in us and thus in our lives, we need control over our thoughts. Given their quantity and our unconsciousness, it quickly becomes clear that this is a pointless endeavor.
The good news is, however, that our thoughts trigger physical reactions in our body, called feelings or emotions. And we can sense them as soon as we become quiet. They are our safe navigation system through life and relationships. Becoming aware of the relationship between thoughts and emotions, learning the language of our navigation system and thus being able to consciously focus thoughts and feelings in a desired direction changes our lives. In an almost magical way! Inner work provides the space for it.
“You don’t become what you want. You become what you believe.” – Oprah Winfrey
Connecting with our own feelings/emotions leads to a healthy letting go process instead of clinging to things, people and circumstances based on fear. This kind of control in life, which ‘eats up’ a lot of energy and is extremely stressful for the body and mind, disappears in the connection process. Getting involved with my feelings means that I connect with my inner guidance. Learning to understand the signals of my inner guidance and to follow them gives me a secure control instrument over my life.
Being able to feel more also means that I become more vulnerable in the sense of being more receptive to all sensations. Maybe for the first time, I can allow tears. Maybe I finally feel real pleasure again, without watching a porn. Or I understand what has been going on in my partner for years. Vulnerability makes me more alive and more attractive for other people, because they will be able to feel us better. My ability to accept and show myself in my vulnerability makes me human, authentic and whole.
Our minds handle complex amounts of data by ‘zipping’ them as stories and making them more compact. He chooses the genre depending on our influences and beliefs. The result is our cinema of life. Fortunately, we humans are much more than our minds. And this is the beginning of a New Story. It tells of the connection between our hearts and an intelligence that opens up to us beyond the intellectual world – as soon as we pause in our busyness and go inside.
Inner work begins right here. As soon as we start to calm our minds through regular mediation and self-inqiry, we are more and more often in a space that I call my inner center. From here, through my body and my heart space, I access an energy field that offers knowledge, answers and solutions that my mind cannot reach. From my inner center, I am able to think completely new thoughts, unaffected by my personal and our collective human conditioning. And I am able to write completely new stories. Or else, I can stop writing stories at all, and begin following my inner flow of impulses and insights from moment to moment. This has nothing to do with passivity. It is a state of highest presence, connectedness and alignment from which we are able to dance elegantly between stillness and action.
We humans are sentient beings. Even though our mind tells us otherwise. Our feelings/emotions are our inner guidance system. As a felt movement of energy in our body, they reflect what we are currently thinking. The ‘lump’ in the throat or the cramp in the stomach are small examples. In doing so, they give us information about the approximately 70,000 largely unconscious thoughts that we harbor every day and that determine our perception of life. These thoughts have the power to hold us in situations and relationships that we consciously do not want to experience.
Learning to understand our emotional guidance system gives us a safe navigational tool that allows us to recognize old patterns of thought, perception and action, and to leave those that no longer serve us, behind. Once understood, it is amazingly simple and clear. And as we master it, the way becomes clear for the changes we desire. Above all, however, our inner guidance connects us to a source of strength and inspiration that can only be experienced and inadequately described in words.
No, you do not need any previous experience and you can start with internal work at any time. All you need is an open mind and a clear commitment.
Everyone has a mother and a father. Both live on in us as our male and our female side and as gateways to our female and male lines and their support for our lives. Each of us needs a balance of both energies male and female in order to be able to be in harmony with the opposite gender in the outside world.
In addition, this balance allows us to live effectively and meaningfully without being drowning or burning out. Male energy is fire, female energy is water. Both need a mutual balance. To get in touch with your own inner man and woman, to get to know them, to enter into a dialogue with them is helpful and very powerful when it comes to this inner balance. Inner work provides the space for it.
Of course, this is very individual. Basically, it is possible to see results immediately. It usually takes a few weeks for noticeable and visible changes to occur. Above all, it becomes easier and starts to be fun. Inner work takes a little time. And as with every training, whether it’s sport, an instrument or a language, it’s about regularity. If you devote 15 minutes to it once or twice a day, you are already well on your way.
Over time, inner work will clearify all areas of your life and create lasting harmony for body, mind and soul. And you begin to experience wellbeing and abundance on all levels. This process can take a few months or a couple of years. And since we human beings always strive for expansion and growth, it will hardly ever end :-).