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The Dragon Tribe

On the Leading Edge of Conscious Evolution

Begin to create


The Dragon Tribe is

> Think & Feel Tank on the topic of community
> international network for co-creation
> a progressive village community in the making.

We combine ancient and modern knowledge about living in connection, prosperity and freedom.

We stand for thinking and feeling, decisions and actions that arise from the connection with our soul intelligence and thus honor all life in its individual uniqueness and at the same time as a world community.

Dragons stand for wisdom, magic, a connection of all elements and for comprehensive transformation.

Connect with us

Dream it. Believe it. Be it.

When we commit to our inner being and focus on Life
– i.e. benevolence and thriving –
our devine nature begins to shine through.

Claudia & Franziska
Founders of The Dragon Tribe

Connection with Soul

Commitment I

My first commitment is to be connected to my soul

Only when I am connected to myself and fully nourished can I truly connect with others.

First, I connect with myself. Again and again, I establish a connection with my inner being – my soul – in order to follow my inner clarity, strength and sovereignty,

This strong self-connection reveals to me that there are no opponents except within myself! There are no mistakes, except in my own perception!

Only on the basis of this connection can I be connected to you, to all people and beings as a “we”. Honest, authentic, alive and deeply loving.

Based on my connection

I am clear, put everything openly on the table and hold nothing back
I consciously refrain from accusations, judgments and criticism
I understand every negative emotion as an indication of my guidance system: Am I still connected to my inner being in this moment?
The true and peaceful whole always reveals itself to us when we nourish our own connection and unconditionally (almost stubbornly) return to our loving inner being.

Surrender to Life

Commitment II

My second commitment is to the Art of Allowing my Life.

As soon as I trust my inner being and life completely, there is nothing ‘negative’ in my life anymore.

This commitment is an active surrender to life. I can trust that all the ups and downs in my life are ultimately for my own good: They give my soul the space to evolve that it needs to unfold in fullness.

It means I can align my thoughts, feelings and actions with what that

what I want.
what serves life.
what celebrates life.
This commitment honors everything seemingly ‘negative’, every unwanted contrast as an indication of what I really want.

So every contrast becomes a welcome opportunity to expand, grow and strengthen my connection and integrity:

I give less and less space to negative words, emotions, decisions, attitudes that are not conducive to life.
I refrain from any kind of gossip and negative talk.
I consciously give space in and through myself to everything that I want to increase and magnify – and that uplifts me and others.
And I create structures in my everyday life that effectively support me in this practice.

Devinity &


A conscious living in both commitments requires wisdom, determination, courage and dignity.

We call this power mix dragon energy. It activates my divine being in my human body – over and over again. 

The Tribe Leaders

led by soul

We, Franziska and Claudia, share a vision of life in community, in which seeming opposites unite, complement and enrich each other. A community in which proximity and freedom, nature and modern technology, the advantages of village and urban structures, the diversity of age, gender, wisdom, knowledge and experience, nationalities, origins and all disciplines belong together and enrich each other.

It is our experience that we humans are infinitely powerful creative beings. When we unite in the awareness of this creative power and align ourselves with a common intention, we create worlds of peace, goodness, health and prosperity.

Claudia Shkatov

It is our intention to create these new worlds, a specific location and diverse creative spaces for individuals, couples, families and teams, where we can easily remember our creative power and relax into life.

Franziska Jakob-Friedenberger

The Inner Circle

conscious (r)evolutionaries

Iris Stern, Ribbeck

Agata Welz, Hamburg

Nicole Broede, Fürstenberg

Franziska Jakob-Friedenberger, Berlin

Jeannette Trenkel, Hamburg

Joséphine Holland, Hamburg

Constanze Baier, Berlin

Ann La-Forker, Stauffen

Claudia Shkatov, Berlin

Ines Wehming, Damme





> also check out #mightybeyondmeasure & Transparency

The wisdom on individuality & community that we find, when we spend time in our Inner Circle
is so precious, that we decided to share it with the world.

Franziska & Claudia

The Dragon Days Retreat

becoming you & us

The Dragon Days are an energetically luxurious 7-day retreat for women and men. Hosted by women from our exclusive Inner Circle – the inner founding circle of the Dragon Tribe made up of sisters, friends and soulmates. We are conscious evolutionaries and invite you to connect with your inner being and align with the flow of life as an individual and as a community. This is a New Time Space for women who remember themselves as life itself, and for men who see themselves as guardians of life.

Get more information or apply for a place at our launch event in autumn 2025.


Next Steps

for you

  • Would you like to contribute to our Think & Feel Tank on the subject of community? Then write to us and tell us what it’s all about for you.
  • Are you interested in finding out more about us?
    Then book an info call with us.
  • Would you like to find out more about our Dragon Days retreats or apply to take part? Then book an info call with us.
  • Would you like to support our work?
    Then write to us.

Connect with us!
